

Promote the effective implementation of the Product Environmental Footprint in the Mediterranean aquaculture sector.

Aquaculture is, and will be, key sector in boosting fish production and in meeting rising demand for fishery products. However, it is also responsible for diverse environmental impacts. It is possible to reduce the impact by implementing innovative techniques, but it should be supported by all stakeholders of the value chain (companies, associations, consumers or administration)

One of the main initiatives to promote sustainable products is the European Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) developed by the EC, which aimed to promote product sustainability. However, there is a lot of work to do for a complete implementation.

Within this framework, main objective of AQUAPEF project is to promote the implementation of the PEF initiative and methodology into the Mediterranean aquaculture sector by developing an integrative methodology and tool to facilitate data availability, footprint calculation, verification and B2B and B2C communication.


Helping your company for more sustainable acuaculture.